April 30, 2021



It’s funny how people try to be sneaky in a world full of two-faced people. But the only ones they are fooling are themselves. 


I try to behave, not letting it affect me living in a world full of two-faced people. Occasionally you must play the clown when dealing with a fool.

Where did my OLD ugly cousin ‘CAMILLE’ get such a crazy idea from? Curiously, the two-faced monkey fires a ton of questions eagerly while speaking on the phone. Maybe her IQ is not so high. However, the TROLL gives the impression of being intelligent. Next, she claims to be my very close cousin. It becomes clear to me, CAMILLE doesn’t know a fiddly squat about me. However, the two-faced monkey is excused. 

After all, how can she know when she in fact knows nothing? To put it in another way, and strangely, I don't understand it; why hasn’t the fool not asked me before? Especially since she claims she is such a CLOSE cousin to me? Nevertheless, I must play the clown when dealing with a fool.

The sneaky snake keeps claiming we're very best and lifelong buddy's and very close to each other. Well, well mate, your imagination and creativity aren't that high and clever after all. A sudden silence comes over the phone as the TROLL was pondering over the next lie she could tell the person she was talking to. 

The miserable TROLL makes him wonder.

What I thereafter realise while talking to my publisher; The phoney TROLL was telling him all these above mentioned lies on the day she called him.

Shockingly, the miserable TROLL only wanted to pump him for information.

"What information?" I asked.

"Yeah, you know? About your private life."

Sneaky 'CAMILLE' also wanted to know if the books were a true-life story or not.

My publisher confronts CAMILLE. Immidiately the troll hangs up!

Furthermore, if ‘CAMILLE’ was my real close cousin, why then question closely my publisher about my books and my private life?

Moreover, I actually got amused from hearing how 'CAMILLE' acted like a 3-year-old little scorned child.


Lastly, and at the end of the day, I must say; 


Therefore, I'm totally ignoring 'CAMILLE's' stupid comments.

To put it in another way: The earth is full of mad two-faced people in a terrifying world with miserable angry TROLLS like 'CAMILLE'.

April 28, 2021

The strengths of empathetic people that psychopaths lack

Bookstagramming Siblings separated by distance, united by books 🇺🇸🇮🇳📚 First ever brother-sister reviewing duo❤️

Aayush & Oshin's verdict of BURNING DESIRE
Title - Burning Desire: The Psychopath and the Girl in Black Prada Shoes Part I
Author - M.L. Stark

👦🏻Aayush’s verdict 

Have you ever been in a relationship with a psychopath? Chances are, even if you did, you would never know it. Psychopaths are cunning charmers and master manipulators, to the point where you start to accept the most extreme behaviors as normal. Everyone should read this book, even if they have not personally been in an intimate relationship with a Psychopath.

Overall this is one of the best resources I have read for people who are healing from encounters with sociopaths/narcissists. It is written in a kind, caring voice; and it is super precise and enlightening in all of its descriptions.

This book is not just about recovering from dating a psychopath. This book is about human relationships, empathy, and self-preservation. It's about protecting yourself from toxic relationships and forgiving yourself when you fall apart. I recommended it to a friend because she's been struggling to find post-break up answers after years of dating someone she now suspects is a sociopath. She immediately loved it and felt validated.

Written from the heart, it is the first guide for survivors written by a survivor, offering hope for healing and thriving after psychopathic abuse. Say goodbye to the chaos, self-doubt, and victimization. You are free!



👩🏻Oshin’s verdict ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐

I have to say that this little book really does have it all! It simply tells you how it is with the psychopath. How they think and how they do not care nor worry about what you nor anyone else thinks. No empathy, no care other than for themselves.

I liked it because it reiterated author’s real experience. This book has simple yet powerful ways to embrace the entire experience and recover from it. It discusses the strengths of empathetic people that psychopaths lack and will never have the ability to understand.
This book was very hard for me to put down and as I read each page I found myself nodding in a agreement with its text. As it is written by a survivor of emotional abuse, I appreciated it greatly as if the author was right beside me telling me their story and what to look out for should it happen again and the reasons why we fall these certain types of people.

This book is the last thing your abuser wants you to read. Quick read and provides practical advice on healing as well as walking you through revelations you may not have gotten to yet. The books reads like you’re talking to a compassionate friend who is invested in your healing and helping you through your journey to feel safe and whole again by sharing her own story.

I recommend this book wholeheartedly as it has helped me to overcome one of the most painful experiences I have had in my life. I’m eternally grateful that this book exists and even more, after reading “Part I” mentioned in the title.
I’ll be waiting for more from M.L Stark!

April 27, 2021

What an Author must endure of threats from strangers

What an Author must endure of threats from strangers.


Greetings, and welcome to today's Author News from ml-stark.com

It's more than difficult to understand what goes through people’s mindset when they write on my FacebookEspecially those I don't know. Also, those who hide behind off what I believe is a fake Facebook account. 

Well, at least this is what I think of this weird Facebook account, alerting
 "F*cking Hell. Check your messenger." Why is  the profile attacking me so rudely on a peaceful day?

On a lovely Sunday morning, I woke up after a peaceful sleep.

I open my balcony door and listen to the lovely sound of the waves crashing on Bournemouth Beach. Next, I grab my fresh brewed coffee from the kitchen. Afterwards I go back to the balcony, mostly to enjoy the sun and the view of the mesmerising ocean in my front yard. 

As usual, I then turn on my phone. First checking emails. Second, the BBC NewsThereafter my InstagramAnd finally, my Facebook.

It strikes me! Wow! Sometimes other people can truly pull the teeth out of any normal person. Normally, and what I believe is decent people who respect others, do not do as what I now must endure in my life being an author on a lovely Sunday morning.

Morbid post from 'Burningdesire Failed'

Morbid post from 'Burningdesire Failed'

Hatred of other people does not work so well on me. Why not? You see, it's because I can't hate. 

Shockingly, I'm glaring at all these morbid post from 'Burningdesire Failed'. It made me almost choke on my morning coffee. 

Thereafter I immediately ponder off a dangerous malignant narcissist. So what is that? Let me tell you! And please take it seriously; this is a person who is more dangerous than psychopaths or sociopaths.

I my mind this morbid posts from 'Burningdesire Failed' also reminds me of a sadistic person like Pol Pot or Adolf Hitler. In the same way as Ted Bundy, who was fueled by anger and hatred to the entire world. Also, of their hatred of women. 

And now I must endure such anger and hatred from these morbid posts from 'Burningdesire Failed' I don't even know who 'Burningdesire Failed' is!

Poor emotional impulse control.

It reminded me about my ex-boyfriend who was enslaved by his own need to constantly manipulate me. Constantly to hate me behind his devious, yet his stunning brown eyes. I know it too well! Literally every word that came out of his filthy mouth was a lie. 

While some can be "high-functioning" in the sense that he could blend into society, well, he certainly could for a short time. But he was also "low-functioning" because of his extremely poor emotional impulse control

They want to control you, and having you deceived and under their control because of lies is dangerous to the person being lied to. That is when narcs become dangerous, they are ruthless and uncaring and use and discard people at will, with no regard to feelings.

I'm used to such people trying to intimidate me. Also, in the same way as these morbid posts from 'Burningdesire Failed' now try to intimidate me. 

I know it too well! You see, it's because my ex-boyfriend couldn't control himself. I was under constant attack by him for the entirety of our relationship.

Regaining knowledge about Psychopaths 

By now I have been regaining a lot of knowledge about psychopaths. That knowledge has empowered me to reinforce my boundaries. Furthermore, it has also prepped me not to react on such stupidness as those threats written in these messages.

Honestly, I truly find them laughable. A psychopathic performance from 'Burningdesire Failed', whom I think of as a dangerous malignant narcissist. What is their goal with this game?

Share it with others

Yet, I must share it with others! 

Especially with other women of whom I'm sure must endure the same as I now must endure from what I think is a malignant narcissist. And worst, it's from a person I don't even know. 

So how does he/she know me?

So why then share it?

I don't know!

I think you should know.

In other words, it's not always a straightforward task to be an author. Or to be a woman the narcissistic psychopath enjoyed controlling. 

Therefore, I think you should know about it. Arguing with a Narcissist is like getting arrested. Everything you say, that can and will use it against you. 

Nor was it easy during the writing process of my books BURNING DESIRE Part 1 and BURNING DESIRE FADES Part 2 - from the Trilogy: The Psychopath and the Girl in Black Prada Shoes. Nor was it easy during the publishing process. 

And I think you should know, it's not a simple task, even after I released the books. So why is it so? In conclusion, the message is quite clear in this article, since they're such mean people out there, writing such mean things.

Also, I think you should know, BURNING DESIRE Part 1 and BURNING DESIRE FADES Part 2 - from the Trilogy: The Psychopath and the Girl in Black Prada Shoes, DID NOT FAIL. It' is actually a massive success both in US, UK and in Australia, because many women and also men can relate to the subject. 

In an articleshemazing.net wrote: M.L. Stark calls out the hallmarks of abuse, citing unequal power balances, unequal monetary situations and low self-esteem as facilitators of abuse and warns against the signs of narcissism. Lack of boundaries, respect and self-control all starts as small issues that gradually grow to encompass the entire relationship, until there seems to be no way out. 

However, I actually get mild amusement from reading the post from 'Burningdesire Failed'. Mostly because the profile behaves like a 3-year-old scorned child. The little man-child never got his lollipop!

To put it in another way:

'Burningdesire Failed' might fool hundreds of people into believing that I'm something which in reality I'm not. However, I can recognise what kind of person 'Burningdesire Failed' is under all that BS.


April 26, 2021

Can you imagine living with a partner who is a psychopath?

Can you imagine living with a partner who is a psychopath?


Title - Burning Desire Fades (Part 2)
Author - M. L. Stark

⭐This is the part two of the series "Burning Desire : The Psychopath and the Girl in Black Prada Shoes" by M.L. Stark. This part is in continuation with part one and here you will see how that psychopath Doctor Bates continue to play his money minded games with Mary. All he was ever wanted was Money, Money and Money! You know "Money is the worst discovery of human life but it is the most trusted material to test human nature".

⭐I felt bad for Mary who was in love with Doctor Bates because all she got in return was betrayal, fraud and unlimited lies. When you love someone, you cross your boundaries for them, you ignore their mistakes for the sake of love and that's what Mary did, she continued to help him in every possible way and that's what love is all about and it's sad to see how that psychology continued to manipulate Mary for his own benefits. I read this book whole night and finished it in one sitting. Honestly, I won't lie but there were times when I felt like killing Drake, he was so irritating and his never endings plans were frustrating. Whenever he tried to manipulate Mary to invest in his new plans, I was like, No man, not again!

All the time, its just Money, Money, Money and Investing in his fucking idiotic business ideas.
I was so angry for whatever he was doing, What a crazy man, No shame at all, No regret at all.

But the fact is "Bad people get what they deserve" And bad karma will catch up with him.

⭐There is only one way to deal with a psychopath and that is never, ever to get involved with one, which is easier said than done because, regardless of the endless havoc they wreak around them, they are virtually invisible to their targets. When you have something they want – which is invariably money, power or access to something else they want – they mold their behaviors and attitudes exactly to your own.

I still can't believe this is a real story, but the truth is, Yes it is a real story of the Author. The story is really emotional and I was able to feel every emotion of Mary. I really appreciate the author that she shared her story with us.

YouTube - Burning Desire Fades

April 24, 2021

You will see how dangerous it is to be in love with a psychopath.

You will see how dangerous it is to be in love with a psychopath.

Firstly I'd like to shout out about the title of this book. It's like if you read the title, you cannot stand not to know the story behind it. That's how I bought my copy of this novel.

📚📚Book Review📚📚

Title : Burning desire fades

⚡️Each and every word written on the cover enticed me to buy this wonderful piece of work. This is a real story of the author and that's why I couldn't put it down. In this story, you will see how dangerous it is to be in love with a psychopath. I felt bad for Mary, because the love she had for her partner was so true and all she got in return was betrayal. 
It was more like a transactional relationship and I believe that staying in such a relationship for a long time will take a toll on your mental health. How can you truly feel loved when you know that your partner only stay with you because of your money?

⚡️I kept my fingers crossed till the last page. I kept on reading because I wanted to see, for how long Drake can continue to play his games.
But soon he is going to regret everything he did and that's what I was waiting for.
If you want to know what happened with Drake later on, you should also grab the copy of this book.

⚡️This book drips of emotional abuse and uncertainty the author has lived through under the control of a psychopath. With self-esteem, self-worth and everything at stake, the author portrayes the brutal and painful truth she had been gone through. It's an emotional story and I would like to recommend this book to everyone.
I really liked this book, I admire the fact that author has shared her own story with the world.♥️

April 23, 2021

The other side of an Emotional Ride


This is part two of the series This part is in continuation with part one and here you will see how that psychopath Doctor Bates continue to play his money minded games with Mary. All he was ever wanted was Money, Money and Money! You know "Money is the worst discovery of human life but it is the most trusted material to test human nature".

I felt bad for Mary who was in love with Doctor Bates because all she got in return was betrayal, fraud and unlimited lies. But the fact is "Bad people get what they deserve" And bad karma will catch up with him.

There is only one way to deal with a psychopath and that is never, ever to get involved with one, which is easier said than done because, regardless of the endless havoc they wreak around them, they are virtually invisible to their targets. When you have something they want – which is invariably money, power or access to something else they want – they mold their behaviors and attitudes exactly to your own.

I still can't believe this is a real story, but the truth is, Yes it is a real story of the Author. The story is really emotional and I was able to feel every emotion of Mary. I really appreciate the author that she shared her story with us.

AMAZON Top review from the United States

Reviewed in the United States on April 9, 2021
Verified Purchase

April 15, 2021

Do you want each book to stand on its own*

“Touching”, “Intriguing” - PRESS RELEASE 13th April 2021

Burning Desire: “Touching”, “Intriguing” Trilogy Exposes Realities of Falling in Love with Psychopath. Curious?

M.L. Stark’s ‘Burning Desire’ embroils readers in the real-life story of Mary, who can’t refuse the allure of a new love. However, as she finds out rapidly, Drake is far from the charming prince he appears to be – he’s a cold-blooded psychopath. It’s a glimpse into this rare life from the victim’s perspective, inspiring one critic to write, “Great book and great plot. Well written and captivating. This book is a real page turner and it will rock you to the core on so many levels. The story will shock you. I highly recommend this book.”.

M.L. Stark
Email: author@ML-Stark.com



United Kingdom – M.L. Stark won’t say where her life story starts and ends in relation to her books, but she will admit that the plot of ‘Burning Desire’ is based on her own experiences. It’s intense to say the least.

The story begins in 2016 in Bournemouth England, backtracking Stark’s life to Spain in 2010, where she meets Drake. Life then becomes a globetrot – first to Denmark, then Asia, Balkan and eventually back to England in 2020.

However, the series does a profound service to readers – exposing the truth of what it’s like to live and fall in love with a stop-at-nothing, callous psychopath. It’s the first series of its kind on the market.


'BURNING DESIRE: The Psychopath and the Girl in Black Prada Shoes Part I’ – This story is based on real events about Mary’s lifespan living in a petrifying mess, in an unfulfilling marriage with an unfaithful man. Mary begins dating an unnerving sociopath, a self-absorbed, lying person whom throughout his entire life has exploited, stolen, swindled other people and love-scammed many women. It showcases how Doctor Bates, manipulates her, for money and to maintain a sense of power over her vulnerability, which makes it highly authentic and impactful.

Doctor Bates presents himself as educated, funny, charming and with a public persona of normalcy so Mary could not see what lay behind the dark shade of him. He was inappropriately flirting with her, stepping over the etical line between patient and Doctor. It was too late for Mary to escape.

Drake made his way into Mary’s psyche and wielded power and fear to attract her, but little did she know that trusting him was fatal. Something vastly magical happened around him and she begins a passionate love affair with him. Their life seemed blissful on the outside, but behind his malicious plan, it was chilling.

Trusting him with her fragile life, she doesn’t see he is a Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde type, consuming her into his dark, shady terror of promises of a better and happier life. His manipulative behaviour and scams, ends disastrous and Mary becomes a character in his weird performance of his imaginary disturbing life as he sinks into his mania of deceives and lies, while the romance takes them around the globe. Drake wants Mary to invest in different conning business concepts, promising her they will become rich. How does she figure out what she can expect from him? Her life was never the same, but she learned from his evilness.

This is a part one of the Burning Desire trilogy. It will obsess you.

‘BURNING DESIRE FADES: The Psychopath and the Girl in Black Prada Shoes’ - Part 2 presents the continuation of the maliciously agenda of Doctor Bates and will leave you in a trance of shock with its vigorous narrative. A moment ago, it seemed, it was yesterday full of happiness. Tomorrow it is a matter of survival for Mary as her life is on the brink of insanity to her Knight in Shining Armor. As she meets Drake again she becomes a slave in the madness of love. Before Mary notice the dangerous life, she gets deeply trapped in Drake’s dodgy mesh, but it’s too late for her to escape. Fraud, lies, dominance, torment, and the complexity of an abusive relationship evolve, and will unexpectedly be a new part of Mary’s life. Drake’s sinister betrayal sneaks slowly in as he lures Mary like a ravenous wolf in sheep’s clothing. On the outside, it seems Drake is loving and has a high IQ, above normal. On the inside, he is a devious psychopath. The story will drastically unfold to a complexity of a love drama, crime, fraud, and Drake’s delusions of grandeur. At a secluded area outside Hong Kong, the mafia attempt to kill Drake. We will follow the two sweethearts in how they try to escape from the difficulties with the Asian Mafia. Not only once, but several times the two lovebirds are on the run in the shadowy darkness of the night, fleeing as two shifty thieves. Mary will experience love, hatred, and deception; however, will she continue to be Drake’s victim in his mystiques and hefty deceptions he gets during the nights?

“The story is somewhat chilling, but it’s entirely based on reality,” explains the author. “Before I experienced it, I had no idea how psychopaths operated, and exactly how they wore down and destroyed the lives of their victims. After going through it myself, I entered this dark world. So much so that I wanted to share it with the world.

Continuing, ‘It’s a tough read, but a vitally important one. It will shock and uplift readers, sometimes for the wrong reasons. However, I believe everyone will turn the last page with greater empathy for those around them, especially for victims of abuse who are trapped. They rely on you. You need to help them.”

Reviews have been extremely positive. Somya writes, “The story has been so emotionally and effectively penned down, you will feel pity for Mary. I really felt very connected to her, I was feeling her pain. The story depicts how a single decision can have leave such an impact in one’s life. This was eye-opening, inspiring read.”

Lorraine adds, “I enjoyed the storyline and couldn’t believe how manipulated and gullible the victim was, but totally understood how this could easily happen in this situation of trust. I wanted to read more to find out what happened next.”

Volumes one and two are available now.

About the Author:

My name is M. L. Stark, and I wrote the "Burning Desire" series based on experiences from my personal life.

For the past decades, I wanted to write about my life, from being born to becoming an adult woman. I was married for over w0 years, have 4 children, got divorced and met a new man that mentally abused me.

In a flurry of lust mistaken for love I fell victim in my chase for affection and, all bets on a safe, happy life ar off. While dating a sociopath, who had swindled others throughout his entire life, i sacrificed my livelihood for this toxic adventure, leaving my husband and children behind and putting my life on the line for a future that eventually catches up to me.

I helped abandoned animals and supported children's causes if needed as it gave me optimistic values in life.

In 2014, I began to research sociopatich behavior and along with my first-hand experience dating a sociopatic man, I reflected on that entire experience to get control over my distraught life again. I wanted to shed light on psychological abuse and increase awareness of the blindness in adoration and the fake love scammers and sociopaths use to mentally abuse otheres. Living with a narcissist is more than difficult to get through.

In 2016, I moved to Bournemouth, United Kingdom and got the courage to write som of my life experience of the double-edged sword of love. I'm sure readers will find the line between love and manipulation is anything but clear-cut. I am hoping to connect with people and deter them from facin a toxic relationship in their lives by sharing my own real-life events, having in mind that I've achieved the impossible; to write books about being a surviving victim.

In 2020 I published Part 1 & 2 of the "Burning Desire trilogy: The Psychopath and the Girl in Black Prada Shoes"