March 31, 2021
March 29, 2021
M. L. Stark is on the Kate Delaney - America Tonight Show.
I am so proud of having the honor of being interviewed by Kate Delaney today for the America Tonight Show. It was so awesome.
How many people can deal that way living with a psychopath? - Kate Delaney asked me when I was interviewed for American Tonight Radio.We really talked a lot about my books, about mentally and physically abuse. And why I had chosen to write about a true-life experience talking about dating a psychopath.
How many people can relate to such a true story about dating a psychopath? I am sure many can. Did you know there are 4% psychopaths around the world and 3% are men?
We talked of how I was frightened for my life. And about all the revengeful measures that followed afterwards from the psychopath and his new victim.
Kate Delaney is an Author to several books and her latest business book was published by Forbes: Deal Your Own Destiny, Increase Your Odds, Win Big and Become Extraordinary.
She is an award winning National broadcast personality who has interviewed over 16,000 people in twenty-years in her radio and television career. She picked up a Television Emmy for her special report on the AIDS epidemic in New Mexico and several Golden Mics for a series on immigration. She has broadcasted everywhere from the slums of Guayaquil, Ecuador to a whale-watching boat in Maui, Hawaii. America Tonight also broadcasts from Washington, D.C.
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March 23, 2021
AMAZON REVIEWS of BURNING DESIRE - The Psychopath and the Girl In Black Prada Shoes - Part 1
Top reviews from:
The United States
United Kingdom
I’d love for this book to be read by every woman, you all should be aware of this because I believe at least 4% of women in the world’s population can relate to the story. This is even a taboo subject but no woman dare to talk about it. I really appreciate M.L. Stark because at least through this story, she is talking about this thing and definitely trying to help women. The story is realistic and different from other stories which talks about a psychopath and that's why I really liked this book.
Top reviews from United Kingdom
anonymousReviewed in the United Kingdom on March 24, 2021
Reviewed in the United Kingdom on 1 April 2021
Mary is an established woman, but her life is a complete mess. She started dating a self-absorbed, lying psychopath, who made her life hell.
He presented himself as a normal man, started inappropriately flirting with her. He was a doctor and she was his patient. During a treatment session, he goes too far and she didn’t realise that she is entering into a toxic relationship. Later she realises that dating him was the biggest mistake of her life.
Read out the story how the protagonist Mary survives in the story!
The story has been so emotionally and effectively penned down, you will feel pity for Mary. I really felt very connected to her, I was feeling her pain. The story depicts how a single decision can have leave such an impact in one’s life. This was a eye-opening, inspiring read.
Reviewed in the United Kingdom on 6 December 2020
March 20, 2021
Was he ever happy with his life?
Was he ever happy with his life?
I believe he goes through very brief periods of what he perceives to be ‘happiness’ (e.g., financial support, new county, new house, new supply, etc.) but it’s a short-lived and ultimately hollow victory.
However, during the romanticism phase.... he would think to himself. “Maybe, this will drive away my emptiness!” .... and during the Honeymoon phase, he devoted virtually all our awake time to earning attention which was our life blood/nourishment/be all and end all life fuel. My boyfriend had full control and I was powerless.
He was like an addict, and always needed his next fix without a backward glance. Boredom was life-threatening and he could fade into nothingness as were he missing out something. I was only a project he wanted to change. He was never satisfied with what he had or what I could give him, so often I was not good enough for him. It was always a brief pleasure for him until he needed more. Nothing - and no one - was ever good enough for him. I also knew he was incapable of being alone. Yet he resented me due to his feeling dependent on me. Next, he believed I was a fraud, not him! In his opinion, I was often worthless, next I was his entire life. Then I was unlovable, and when he needed something from me I was the most loveable person he knew. But on the other hand he needed to always have a significant other in his life to have a feeling of stability. So, he allowed me to be in his life if he could benefit from me.
Happiness is an inside job as they say, but he was a hollow shell and always wanted to shake things up. He constantly was reinventing himself for me or every new audience we met on our path. He was a shapeshifter, admiring me, next, resenting me and he was extremely jealous at me. It caused chaos, drama, trauma, and paranoia, believing everyone was conspiring against him and talking about him in a disparaging way.
So how could he possibly feel good when he relied solely on external sources of esteem? “You steal from me.” Or “Why do you laugh at me?” or “It’s you who have bad intention with me!” he would say. Or suddenly it was me who was cheating or were dishonest, according to him. “You are a child in an adults’ body, not acting your age.”
Was he only wearing a mask and pretended to love me? Without his perfect and charming mask, he would for sure drive people and me away. On some abstract instinctive level, I was aware something was wrong, but I didn’t or rather I couldn’t see the many red flags.
How can anyone be happy destroying people’s lives? My life? My family’s life? Others life? The pain was so deep.... it took my breath way, being on the edge of taking my life.
If that’s happiness, then I’m missing something.
Copyright © 2021 . All Rights Reserved . M. L. Stark
March 14, 2021
A story where the protagonist Mary, a pretty little doll was not aware about the upcoming disaster as she trusted and started dating a truly creepy sociopath.
⭐ Can you imagine living with a partner who is a psychopath? How do you survive living with a psychopath?
I totally agree with the below phrase - "Psychopathy is the only mental disorder where it is not the patient, but the environment that suffers".
⭐ While reading this story, I kept my fingers crossed because it's really painful to see a women who was leading a normal life suddenly caught in a web of horrible things. I felt pity for Mary and for all those women who might have suffered the same. Being a female, I really felt a connection with the character Mary, i felt bad for her. Even though, the story is fictional, but it contains ideas based on real events because we can't deny, what was happening with Mary, it happens in reality too.
⭐ I really want this book to be read by every women, you all should be aware of this because I believe at least 4% of women in the world’s population can relate to the story. This is even a taboo subject but no woman dare to talk about it. I really appreciate M.L. Stark because at least through this story, she is talking about this thing and definitely trying to help women. The story is realistic and quite different from other stories which talks about psychopath and that's why I really liked this book and I am sure, if you are planning to grab your copy, you won't regret it.
March 13, 2021
In a flurry of lust mistaken for love with an international criminal, all bets on a safe, happy life are off.
In a flurry of lust mistaken for love with an international
criminal, all bets on a safe, happy life are off.
Author M. L. Stark shares a fictionalized account, based on real life events, of her abusive relationship and the harrowing adventures she endured across the globe in ‘Burning Desire Fades’
BOURNEMOUTH, England – In a flurry of lust mistaken for love with an international criminal, all bets on a safe, happy life are off. In the thrilling sequel to her book, “Burning Desire” author M. L. Stark recently published “Burning Desire Fades: The Psychopath and the Girl in Black Prada Shoes." Stark shares her life events in a thrilling fiction story that follows the main character, Mary, as her chase for love engulfs her. She sacrifices her livelihood for toxic adventures with Doctor Drake Lucifer Bates that take them across the globe.
About the author
For Interview Requests & Review Copies, Please Contact:
Krista Tillman
LAVIDGE – Phoenix
13th March 2021
March 06, 2021
I have often thought if he really believed he was a good person.
Some of my mate's responses promptly came to the surface when I told him what I really felt about how miserably he treated me and how he mentally offended me. At some stage of my relationship with this crooked sloth, I knew he told me more about himself than what it told about me. Afterwards, I often got this in response when he was attacking me with his massive denial and rudeness:
- Such an idiot you are!
- You're making stuff up!
- You’re making a fool out of yourself!
- Shut up!
- You' re paranoid!
- That never happened!
My lover purposely enjoyed taunting me. Then he mirrored what I was saying. I could see it on his dirty smirk because he truly found it amusing until I couldn't cope anymore. I just wanted to tell him how I really felt about how he treated me when he went into his dark mood. As sweet and loving he could be, as evil he could show his mean shadowy side when he freaked out! He would never step aside, and nothing ever reached him. Instead, he got angry and smashed the ball back at my face. Then he snapped and yelled at me:

- You are such a psychopath!
- You are an ugly, piece of sh*t!
- You are such a wicked person!
- No one wants you!
- You want to hear what I really feel?
- You are a failure and crazy!
- Stop your lying sh*t!

- I’ll destroy you!
- No one ever liked you!
- I’ll f*cking sue you and take everything!
- I only let you into my life of pity!
- I only f*cked you out of pity!
- You are getting on my nerves!
When I was crossing or outsmarting him in any way, it was always met with some form of mean action taken against me. I never could see it coming when I was falling into the dark rabbit hole, he had dug for me. Maybe I was hoping for some changes if I told him when he pained me, wishing he would change his behavior towards me in the future. I wanted him to understand. But he couldn’t understand. He never felt remorse. He never apologized. I still can't understand the logic of this even till today. Never have I ever thought of myself as a cruel person because I don't do things to hurt people.
Eventually I realized, the problem was not on my side of the fence. It was on his side. I don’t hate him, but I had to understand what was going through his head. In his mind, he can’t fail. He can’t lose the battle against me, so instead he started hating me. He wanted to win his smearing against me. It made him feel the power to control my life. After several years of emotional and financial trauma, losing everything in my life, my self-esteem, my family, and friends I found myself still trapped in his mesh.
It was not just the money he was seeking; it was also of a soul-less calculative approach to slowly criticise me an my life down to an empty shell.
Copyright © 2021 . All Rights Reserved . M. L. Stark
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